Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Flash, Toonboom Animate, Digicel, Flipbook? Which do you use to bring life to your creations?

Here is an off topic today, but one that helps us reflect on the tools that we use as amateur or professional animator. I have tried almost every type of software out there looking for the easiest and fastest workflow that would produce my shorts. In all my research I have found that one, there is no shortcuts to great animation. It is usually the most slowest and traditional methods that produce the best results. Two, you are only as good as your knowledge of the tools you use. The software that you use may be simple to use like Flipbook, but does this serve your needs, or are you just trying to make simple less complex animations. Or if you want to go to semi-pro level and use Flash Pro to create your stories, the program is more complex, but offers more flexibility with plug-in's and back end coding. If you are ready for the big leagues you might try Toonboom Animate Pro. This program allows the greatest freedom of creativity in all dimensions (4 of them, x,y,z and time), but the learning curve is a bit extreme. Some Flash users will find the transition to be easier, but still difficult in learning how the animation process actually works through the software. It all comes down to passion, how far and how much are you dedicated to your craft? Are you willing to put in the time, money and effort it takes to make a finished polished product that can win awards? Or is this just a hobby you do in your spare time. Whatever your purpose is, remember that there is no shortcut. I have struggled with this for a long time, but now I still put in a lot of time learning the software so that it can reflect my imagination and my passion. Out of all the software that I have tried along the way, I have to say that both Flash Pro and Animate Pro 2 from ToonBoom are the best that offers the most potential for my needs. I also use Photoshop Cs 5.5 to create assets and import them into into my animation software. Learning these programs on the other hand has been a challenge. But like I have mentioned before, if you are very serious and passionate about it, you will put in the time, money and effort to make it a part of your life.I have found online tutorials and places like Digital Tutors to be extremely helpful and full of resources. If you have a favorite software or "tool" that helps you express your imagination, please comment below and share with us why and how it helps you. Maybe we will find a new "tool" that will take us in the direction we are searching for.

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