Thursday, October 30, 2014

2D Animation Dying or Dead!

2D Animation Dying or Dead!
As Peter Griffin says from Family Guy, "you know what grinds my gears?", well I can tell you it is this headline! Traditional 2D animation is not dead or dying, it doesn't need saving because it has not gone anywhere. It just lost the lime light due to the fad of 3D animation and the way it has influenced and integrated its self into the entertainment industry.
    Don't get me wrong, I love 3D animation, I have a Masters Degree in 3D animation & Game Design. But I feel that many of those in the industry have taken it to an unhealthy level. I just watched the new production from Glen Keane, a veteran animator from Walt Disney for over 38 years, called Duet. This film was an epic example of 2D animation, but if you have watched behind the scenes for this production ( Go Here for both 2D Magic ) you would have found out that the production team did use 3D software to push the boundaries and limits of Glen Keane's own talents, skills and magic. But the way the utilized the integration of 2D into 3D was not to dominate or change the very nature or feel of his vision, it was used to push his abilities beyond his current techniques in order to still grow as an animator!
    I love when the production studio had stated, that Glen Keane's renders where so flawless, they could not build an algorithm that would translate his "magic" into 3D! How true that is, I have seen some pretty fantastic 3D animation that inspires me, but it is a rare event when I see a project or a piece that truly possess that "magic". So, as a professional expert, 2D is not dead, people thought that it was because of the number of Disney employees who where laid off because they shut down the 2D animation department. Have you watched Family Guy, The Simpsons, any cartoon from Cartoon Network (the list goes on), then you can see that 2D is thriving and starting to gain exposure.
This is one of the reasons I started this blog that is tied to the website @ 2D Magic, to create an excitement and passion to further push this industry as well as bring about new innovations.
                                                              Warner Bros. - Looney Tunes

                                                           20th Century Fox - Family Guy

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